Pools Registration

Lookup your information if you are already registered.

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Please fill out this form for each family member separately. At least one adult must register before any children from that family can be registered. All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Street Address

Zip Code
Date of Birth

Gender : Male Female
Home Phone
E-Mail (Optional: Used for confirmation)
EMERGENCY CONTACT (other than parent/guardian)
Day Phone   (ex: 555-5555 or 555-5555 ext:555)

I have read and agree with the Terms & Conditions and I hereby agree and acknowledge that the City of Springfield and the Department of Parks, Buildings and Recreation Management are not and will not be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus due to my child(ren) attending the public pools, and I hereby release and waive any such claims against the City and the Department.